With UnitedHealthcare Rewards, you can earn dollars for a variety of actions you may already be doing, such as tracking steps or sleep.

These dollars can be deposited into a health savings account (HSA), which can be used to pay for eligible health care expenses or serve as a tax-advantaged savings and investment vehicle.

Earning and saving is now easier than ever…

Beginning January 1, 2025, participants can connect their own bank to UHC Rewards and easily transfer the funds they earn to their HSA.

Use the resources below to find out more about how the UHC Rewards program works and how you can take advantage:


UHC Rewards + Third-Party HSAs

Discover how an HSA works with UnitedHealthcare Rewards and get answers to frequently asked questions.

Download Flyer



UHC Rewards Refresher

See an overview of the UnitedHealthcare Rewards program, including information on payout structure, redemption options, updates made to best position the rewards to participants, and more.

Download Presentation

UnitedHealthcare Rewards Refresher